How to improve your paper airplane flight – Fold, test & Enhance your Flight’s ability!

Improve your paper airplane flight

How many of you have noticed how a paper plane flies? Some paper planes seem visibly higher aerodynamic than others. Why would this be the scenario? The configuration adopted to construct the plane is one factor. You’ll choose to construct a paper airplane and tweak its fundamental shape to see how it influences its flight … Read more

Paper Airplane Physics | Paper aeroplane tricks & facts

paper airplane physics paper aeroplane facts

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Yes, it’s true every aircraft faces against the wind to take off. Sometimes it’s a gusty wind, sometimes heavy like a hurricane. But the design is so aerodynamic that it can withstand some extreme levels.  … Read more

What is the science behind paper airplanes | What makes a paper plane fly?

how to make a paper airplane design

When you think of a fine morning, the day is amazing to start with a cup of coffee, a bite of biscuit, and looking at a soaring airplane with the blue sky in the backdrop. Sometimes it reminds me of my childhood where I wondered about how airplanes fly without flapping their wings? What makes … Read more